Using PHP to generate random passwords

December 27th 2012

In all my authentication systems, I've implemented the functionality to generate a temporary password. This comes in handy when a user forgets their password and they need to be emailed a new one.

When I generate a password, I avoid common the similar characters (such as o and 0, 1 and l etc etc.)

So, here's the class I created to manage my Random Password generation in PHP.

PHP Code:
class App_Data_Password {

     * Retrieve the next character while ensuring no duplication of characters
     * next to each other
     * @param string $haystack
     * @param string $previousCharacter
     * @return string
private function randomNotSame($haystack$previousCharacter) {
$maxKey = (count($haystack) - 1);
$key rand(0$maxKey);
$nextChar $haystack[$key];
        if (
$nextChar == $previousCharacter) {

     * Generate and return a randomly generated password
     * complete with Alpha, Numeric, Special
     * @param integer $length
     * @return string
public function generate($length 9)
        if (!
is_numeric($length)) {
$length 9;
        else {
$length = (int)$length;
$lowerAZ = array("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","j","k","m","n","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z");
$upperAZ = array("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","J","K","M","N","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z");
$punctuation = array(",",".");
$special = array(';',"!","@","(",")","[","]","-","=","/","\\","*","%");

$full array_merge(array_merge($lowerAZ$upperAZ),array_merge($punctuation$special));

$maxKey = (count($full) - 1);
$str "";
$i 0;
$previousChar "";
        while (
$i $length) {
$next $this->randomNotSame($full$previousChar);
$str .= $next;
$previousChar $next;


     * Generate and return a randomly generated password
     * complete with Alpha, Numeric, Special
     * @param integer $length
     * @return string
public static function generateStatic($length 9)
$class = new self();


Using the PHP Random Password Generator is easy. You can call it in 2 ways.

You can either call it in the traditional object initialisation method, or via static.

PHP Code:
= new App_Data_Password();
$password $cl->generate(9);

Here's the static way:

PHP Code:

Either way, you'd end up with a randomly generated password that's 9 characters in length.

I hope you find this helpful, it's a great addition to your class library.